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5 simple habits for a successful blog

Do you ever sit and wonder, “what are all these bloggers doing right that I’m not?”

I talked about 7 common mistakes most bloggers make, so before you read on, take a look at how you can fix them HERE.

So, what are they doing right that you just…aren’t?

Grab your planner and start taking notes on these simple habits for a successful blog.

5 simple habits for a successful blog

Sticky Content

Having sticky content on your blog is a major way to keep your readers engaged and coming back for more. A few years back this was probably not a big issue for bloggers because it wasn’t until recently that the blogging industry experienced such growth. Today, being a blogger is tough work and if you’re reading this you probably already know that.

Sticky content is an easy, uncomplicated, and creative way to simplify your knowledge to your readers.


Starting a blog is easy, becoming recognized is the hard part! The best way to get ahead of the game is by networking! I had absolutely no friends who were interested in blogging when I first started and it was one of the hardest things to deal with. You have no one to talk to, learn from, or ask questions to.

Join a community! Yep, I repeat this in almost every post but Style Collective is one of the best decisions I’ve made, for those of you that are new to blogging! If you visit the most successful bloggers you’ll read stories about their mentors, blogger friends, or even brands that are constantly mentioned. Why? Because they know the importance of networking and building relationships!

5 tips for a successful blog

Shop White Jumpsuits

Offer Value

Having a blog to tell your story just isn’t enough today. In order to get your follower to visit your blog you need to offer something, anything — that provides value! Getting traffic back to your blog can be difficult which is why you need to give your readers something worth their time.

How You Can Add Value to Your Blog

Have a (loud) Voice

There is a reason you go back to your favorite blog (like Man Repeller), your favorite book, or comedian and it is because you’re attracted to what they have to say and how they say it. You must be thinking, “how can I develop a unique voice when there are millions blogging about the exact same thing?” It isn’t easy but you can begin by looking at your favorite bloggers, going through YOUR writing, and imagine how you want your readers to hear your voice.

Generally, my fashion-related posts are written in a story-like format and my advice column is written as if I were talking one-on-one with you.

Content Planning

How do you get organized? Do you plan out your month? Is there a weekly theme you have going? Or do you write your posts the night before? If it’s the last one, then you’re in trouble!

The most successful blogs have their content planned a weeks in advanced. They have a schedule, they have their ideas laid out and scheduled to go off on specific dates.

Having your content planned and ready to go is most of the most important aspects of your blog to become successful. Think about your readers. Spontaneous posting  is detrimental and will not bring readers back to your blog because they’ll get tired of waiting. Why would anyone keep coming back to your blog when there are hundreds of others with new content for them every day and/or week?

Sharing is Caring!

Don’t forget to share this if you found any of my strategies helpful. If you have a successful blog story of your own or any blogging strategies that work, please share them in the comments below!


  • January 31, 2017

    Oh, this is so fantastic! Thank you so much for the solid advice!
    xo Debbie | www,tothineownstylebetrue.com

  • SassyTeacherChic

    January 31, 2017

    Thank you for the insight. I really need to have a louder voice.

  • Christianne

    February 1, 2017

    I agree in all of this. Great post!!!
    Xo, Christianne

  • February 1, 2017

    Thanks for all the great tips. Networking has definitely been difficult for me, but since joining Style Collective it’s been getting easier.

    Cheers, J

  • February 1, 2017

    what a great post! just pinned it 🙂 xx toby http://www.poshandspicy.com

  • Amy

    February 1, 2017

    So much good advice here! Networking is key!



  • February 1, 2017

    This is all great advice! I am having a hard time getting noticed as a blogger! I feel like I’ve tried different things but maybe I need to find something more! It’s definitely a lot of work and I appreciate all the advice I can get!!

    Xo, Steph

  • Gabrielle Loomis

    February 16, 2017

    Those were great advices. Thanks for sharing with us. It is very hard to get recognized nowadays so those tips are very helpful!

    Gabi @ http://www.colormeassy.com

  • March 3, 2017

    This is so helpful! Thanks for sharing ;D

  • March 31, 2017

    These tips are always super helpful! Even though following what the rest of crowd can be super hard since you gotta make sure your content is unique at the same time!
    These tips are really great thanks! 🙂


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