



About Me


leather-jacketThere is a scary whirlwind and a dark cloud hovering over me days on end. There is a gloomy perspective of what the future has in stock for me and it won’t seem to clear. I am unprotected and I’m willingly jumping off the ledge. I’ve had years to prepare but the procrastination is to heavy to overcome and now I might have to face the harshness of reality alone. I’m missing my shield and my partner in crime. I am steps; days away from proving myself to this big bad world and I have not the slightest idea on where to begin, or hide. Some days I want to pack my bags, leave town, and never look back; begin all over again and see where life will take me. But I there is someone keeping me afloat; calming my nerves; talking me through every terrible inch of the way. I have a better understanding and a calmer perspective; a strong, slightly compulsive, emotion quickly turning arrogant. I am a firm believer, and belieber, of knowing when words are simply not enough without the person who loves every inch of you better than you love yourself. He’s my leather jacket, my rock solid boots, and the bomb-ass miniskirt that will settle me down from miles away and help me keep my cool. There is nothing more complicated than being a women or anything more enraging than not having anything to wear.

Love and lust over my leather jacket, it’s a stronger part of you than you had ever imagined, and if it’s a good one, it’ll last you a lifetime.

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