



About Me


I saw a few mugs on Etsy and some at Urban Outfitters that I wanted to buy so badly but I refrained from doing so. I started looking at them and thought of how awesome it would be to make my own with the colors I wanted. I tried it out and it turned out so much cooler than I imagined. So, grab a glass of wine, a friend, and a few mugs, bowls, your favorite nail polish, and follow along.


You will need:



Step One:

Fill container with warm water and add a few drops of nail polish into the water. If you do a two-tone to get a marble effect (like I did) place black and then a light grey after and mix the two with a toothpick. P.S be quick or else the nail polish will dry up.


Step One and a Half:

This is optional and do it before making the paint mix! Paint rim or outer layer to get the design you want before dipping in water.


Step Two:

Dip bowls/mug to cover all the areas you want in paint. If you want the 3-D effect and some heavy layers than dip in a few times (quickly).


Step Three:

Pat dry to remove any water and use nail polish remover to fix, or clean, any areas.


Step Three and a Half:

You can use the cotton and nail polish remover to give the mugs/bowls a “dirty” look to give it a little more texture and then use a toothpick or nail art tools to add dots or any designs you want. You can use a brush or the same nail polish to paint the inside of the bowl. If you are using them to drink or eat out of, do not paint the inside and remove any paint with the nail polish remover.

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Final Step: Let it Dry. 

I hope you all liked this tutorial and try it out for yourselves! 

mugs-diy-ideas-cheap-gifts mugs-diy-ideas-cheap-giftsmugs-diy-ideas-cheap-gifts mugs-diy-ideas-cheap-gifts-FOR-GIRLS-CUTE

They make great ring or jewelry holders, DIY gifts, or cute mugs to have around the house! Enjoy and let me know how this works for you or if you’ve tried it before!


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