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Inspirational look: Layers

My closet is organized into my dresses, jackets, shorts, shirts, skirts, and pants. My closet light stopped working and I always forget to change it that I’m already used to it. This evidently led me to my obvious choice of post: Layering. There are simply no definite rules to layering. Your either got it or you don’t. Just think of yourself as a reversed onion. As I blindly reached across my closet walls, I pulled out these 3 pieces: a dress, a button down shirt, and a vest. Layered it up. Then, grabbed some accessories: 3 cufflinks, two different earrings AND a casper watch that I found in my sock drawer (insert hands up gesture emoji here. It was very exciting). A pair of ankle boots, a scarf, and well that’s my layering technique. 3 to 4 pieces is my layer limit. Anywhere above that I begin to look as if Pippi Longestocking dressed me up and forgot to do my hair. But who knows, maybe I will post more layering looks with more than 4 pieces and see if I can pull it off.

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Mi closet esta separado entre vestidos, casacas, shorts, faldas, y polos, y pantalones. La luz de mi closet se ha malogrado y siempre se me olvida cambiarla que ya me acostumbre. Y bueno por eso se me vino la idea de escribir un post sobre los layers. No hay reglas. Para lograr un buen look con layers, simplemente imagínate como una cebolla reversa. Agarra bastantes accesorios, toda la ropa que indecisamente planeas ponerte, aretes, abrigos, zapatos, y una bufanda. No importa. Yo ciegamente escogí este vestido, mi chaleco, una camisa, unas medias, un par de botas, una bufanda gruesa, un par de pulseras y otros accesorios. Bueno esa es mi técnica para los layers. Me limito a 3 o 4 piezas o si no empiezo a parecer como si Pippi calzaslargas me vistió solo que le falto peinarme. Pero fácil otro día agrego mas piezas a ver que tal queda.

Photography by: Micaela De Oliveira


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