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My sister decided to throw her husband a birthday party and of course I was stuck as her and my mother’s little helper. We put together all the decorations, drinks and appetizers and deserts. I put together the cheese platters and a few weeks ago I came across a blog post on A beautiful Mess on making The Perfect Cheese Platter. I just had to steal some tips from them and I put together a similar post of my own.

Here is a simple tutorial on making a memorable cheese platter:

First create labels for every type of cheese you’ll be serving or make a bunch and label them after you choose.


You will need: scissors, thin line pen, toothpicks, paper and double sided tape to make your labels. I cut the paper with a ruler to give it that torn look

cheese label cheese_labels_diy

Next. We had A LOT of people over. I bought an already made platter from Costco that had slices of about 5 different types of cheese. My entire household loves cheese so apart from those we chose our top four: Brie, Blue cheese and Gouda and edam. We also had cream cheese to be paired with any topping of their choice (that was provided of course). If you’re not too sure which ones you like best I would go with an already made platter just so you can test them all out and know exactly which you liked best for next time! Also pick up one or two of our top four. If you like cheese, you’ll love these.


After you label each cheese, it’s time to pick some accompaniments. We made a vinaigrette sauce and added a bit of herbs, parmesan cheese, finely chopped onions, and pepper. We also had Chimichurri, homemade sweet chili sauce,  and (because I’m such a fan of anything sweet) we had guava paste slices and a cream cheese covered in sweet chili sauce. I’ll make sure to post how to make these later on.


Last but not least, add some decorations. Since we had such a variety and placed all the plates on a semi-large table just for the cheese I added a subtle decoration. We had a silver plate and placed grapes figs, dried fruit and nuts to give it a decorative touch to the table.


And Voila, Bon Appétit cheese is served!

Let me know what you think in the comments below. I’d love to hear your opinions, tip, and take a look at your own platters!


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