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What should you wear when it is unreasonably hot, you’re on vacation, and you know you’ll be doing tourism and walking all day?

My trip to NYC was strictly tourism since my boyfriend had never been and wanted to do all of it. I was self conscious of being that person who can be pointed from miles away of being a tourist but after my first day in NYC I cared about nothing but the happiness of my feet.

I put on jean shorts and a very loose, very thin, white shirt from Mirella Martire (I bought this one in Dedalo, a shop in Lima, Peru). I also brought along the thinnest, lightest sneakers I own and my feet could not have thanked me enough! Sorry about the lack of pictures, I didn’t take too many while I was away!

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Here are a few of the MUSTS to bring on those super touristy vacations:
  • light shirts – Here Here or Here
  • light jacket – Here
  • light sneakers – Here (I always find really nice and cheap ones at Nordstrom off the Rack though!)
  • shorts – Here
  • sunglasses – HereHere, or Here
  • a comfortable bag – Here
  • Facial wipes – Here (You will thank me!)


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