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I finally got around to make my lunchbox purse! Trust me, it is MUCH cooler than it sounds. Everyone always talks about how fashionable Rachel was on friends but really it was Phoebe. Do you remember that time on friends when she let Rachel borrow a purse that was actually a lunchbox? Well, I watched that episode the other day, immediately got on Ebay and won a bid on this awesome lunchbox! I was the only one who actually bid on it but it was exhilarating.


What you’ll need:

  • An awesome lunchbox that you can find HERE, HERE, or (if I saw this pink floyd one I would have totally bought it) HERE!
  • Straps. I used the ones I have on one of my satchels but I’m probably going to buy another pair I found on Amazon, HERE.
  • Fabric. I bought neon green fabric at Joann Fabrics. Or you can buy similar HERE.
  • A friend or magnets and E600 glue.


First you’ll need to measure height and length of the lunch box where you’re going to paste the fabric. So top, bottom and sides. Don’t cut the sides into 4, make it 1 long piece (like picture above).


With your E600 glue paste the fabric one at a time and either use magnets to hold it together as you go around or have someone help you hold on to them so it glues on correctly. Let dry and you’re done. Enjoy! and the full look is soon to come…


If you’re looking for ridiculously awesom purses look at the ones I picked out below! I would have so much fun with one of them. It’d brighten up my day every time I wore it. If I had enough I’d buy them all!

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